Tommy D. is going to break down this awesome game and give us his predictions and odds for today.

NFL / College Football Bowl Review and Predictions

All right Tommy Dee back here and it is Thursday, December 23 2021. Welcome Back to Our Podcast bet the edge brought to you by online sports I’m going to be hosting today’s show with my two esteemed co hosts Mr. Scott Matthews at SM sports picks. And we got Dre Fernandez from online sports back calm guys, what’s going on?

Well, I left last night without a lot going on. I think I’m going to like three funerals today guys, kind of busy. I’m gonna have to wear three different suits. after that debacle, which I still am shocked about with the Seattle and the Rams game. I never see anything like that, that they gave away a game that they should have definitely covered my effect. I almost called that game the way you needed to. I said Seattle plus eight would be the right way to go.

And if you saw what happened at the end, I’m still shocked. To be honest with you today, you probably feel the same way I do. They have three timeouts, they got three minutes and 50 seconds left in the game there on the 50 yard line with a fourth and six. Cut the ball. Punted, put him back deep, you’re stopping him anyways, they haven’t been scoring, make him start from you know, within the 20 of the 10 yard line and drive down the way they were playing on defense, they were stopping them. Instead, they go for an A fourth and six.

Obviously it was a clear pass interference on the defense. I get so pissed off that the flag gets a 15 yard penalty, they give me give me they put the ball on the 35 yard line first down. And of course, you know they run the ball. And instead of trying to get the first down and end the game because the clock would have ran out once they made one first down. They click, they kick a cheesy field goal to cover that spread and win by 10 to shake my head on that one but you know what? It’s today and we’re gonna move forward and look to pick some winners this week.

Well, we’re gonna get more into that. Yeah, I want to know what sportsbook the refs are betting with right now. And we’re gonna get into that just a little more in a second or two. If you want to follow us and know when we’re coming on board with this podcast and our daily videos. Hit the subscribe button. Subscribe to online sports bat.

Also if you like what you see here, give us a little love. Hit the like button we greatly appreciate it and mom this is going to you show a little support give me a like on this show. Alright, you know, we got a lot to talk about here. We’re going to be putting out our best selections as usual at the end. We’re going to be putting out a parlay we’re going to be a Dre specializes on play a props, so we’re going to be going to him on on player props here. We got a lot to talk about here.

First of all, I think pretty much in as far as the coaches being fired I think Matt Nagy is probably on life support and that’s been giving him a little credit right now after that the backhoe on Monday night, Minnesota game I think he’s basically going to be looking for a new job. And there’s a couple other guys Mike Zimmer for the Vikings and the interim coach for the rate is a Word has it. They’re on real, real hot seats right now. Anyone want to just kick in their two cents there.

I just want to say that that Matt naggy that was an embarrassment to football. I mean, I saw on Twitter that he said football back 50 years with his offensive calling or his offensive game plan. I mean, he’s ruining Justin fields rookie season, he may just ruin Justin fields, his whole career because I mean, I don’t even know what play it score nine points. Being in the red zone. Your defense played outstanding football. I mean, I had the Vikings and it hate but that was horrible. They easily could have won that game.

Roughly that crazy play at the end to where they score with no time left on the clock.

So they can finish and then plays before that they had chances to score and the you know, gave it away on downs. I mean, listen, coaching is very important. You made a comment Tommy the other day that you know, the with the head coaches, it really is important that the head coach it’s more of a moral support thing for players because what players are attracted obviously to their coach, you know, their head coach, they really get motivated.

A lot of guys get motivated for the head coach and when a head coach is not there Does someone bring along to that game even though the assistants there, it’s a staff member, but it’s not like being the head coach. So I think having the head coach on the field President really does bring that added edge to the team, you know, being some, like the other night, obviously, they got the job done with it. But I really feel the players really get more together as a unit. When that head coach, it’s, it’s a little tougher, I think, personally, based on my years in this business, when the head coach is not there, and he’s at home or you know, on a COVID protocol of sick or whatever the case may be. I think that is definitely not a help for Teach.

Well, well said Deleter is your leader. And it’s definitely it’s definitely a plus when the head coach is there. I don’t know what the odds are now for Nagy, but I would have to say that’s a lot that he loses his job, but he was on the HUD sheet going into this thing. I think that just preparing the paperwork right now. But another thing last night that I saw, which is you know, a little alarming here, Adam Silver NBA Commissioner saying they don’t have any plans at this point. To cancel or postpone NBA games. I didn’t like the way I heard that. I think we’re all gonna have to wait and see what happens. They don’t have a plan be sending everyone to Disneyland again, and put them in the bubble. So I mean, I don’t want to sound negative here.

But NBA better figure out a plan here because of this COVID stuff starts to really get crazy. I don’t know. I mean, him saying we don’t have plans at this point. If you read between those lines. Let’s hope for the best. You know, no, not to cut you off, Tommy. But I think Adam Silver is probably one of the best commissioners of all the major sports. This guy is just, he’s he’s proactive. He wants things to happen. He’s been a big component on sports betting, for years since he took over for David Stern.

He’s always been pushing things. He, you know, he’s a visionary. And to be honest with you, I don’t think that he has any intentions to be honest with you, unless there’s something that just crazy, crazy happens out there. And I think now with more people, you know, obviously over 200 million people. I’m not a doctor, I’m not going to get into the politics. All this right now. But more people vaccinated. You know, it seems like more people might start getting vaccinated boosters. I just don’t see them shutting down the NBA. I really don’t. I think he was just doing a political statement by saying that to cover himself.

But I really don’t see how the NBA would even think about shutting down. I just don’t see it at all the NHL has but the NHL has got a lot of players right now affected now you got to bring up players from the minor league system. And they’re not covering like the Florida Panthers before the last game. They were short handed for the game, even though they brought players up. So I think it’s a much bigger, widespread COVID issue going on with the NHL.

That’s why the NHL is postponing games for probably the next 10 to 12 days. You’re gonna pick it back up. That’s what I’m hearing and within the probably a 14 day period, but I just don’t see the NBA shutting down. I just don’t maybe a game here a game there. But the far as the league goes, I don’t see it.

Trey, you want to kick in any your two cents there?

I mean, I agree with Scott, I don’t think I don’t think that MBAs are gonna shut down. I think silver silver saw it. You know, we saw what’s over the last year, he’ll find a solution. He’s not gonna shut the NBA down. I mean, we see the nets don’t even have enough players that to postpone the game. I mean, you got to have eight players and that’s couldn’t even reach eight players. So um, we’ll see we’ll see what what the practice and my job calling us to play.

I don’t I don’t think they’re that desperate at this point. So let’s let’s hope for the best I mean, NHL basically shut down till after Christmas. They announced they’re not sending players to China for the Winter Olympics. You know, that’s, that’s more of a it’s it’s obviously a US sport. But Canada was a lot stricter than not allowing anyone to fly into Canada to play. So we’re gonna have to wait and see what happens with the NHL and the NBA.

Let’s move on to last night. I know it was an ugly night here. I mean, but it’s part of the business. I mean, I think I know what you two gentlemen put out. I believe you had the right side of these games and just the crazy situation. You want to start dry with this? With the Seattle rams game I mean this call it with three minutes left DJ Dallas that was clearly pass interference. I don’t know what the rest means, so I mean, do they need a service dog on the field? Or like I said, what what what book? Are they bet Matt? What’s your take on that man?

I mean, that was clear and obvious. The guy, the ref they bring in on the broadcast was like I don’t know what these refs are looking at. I mean, you saw how frustrated DJ Das was. It may not be some people on Twitter, were saying that’s a stupid rule. Even if it’s a stupid rule, it’s still the right call. If a player is coming back for the football and you run into him. That is a pass interference. It costs a lot of people a lot of money. I was on the over there. So I did not hit but my dk Metcalf prop did hit late in the game. But that was that was playing. That was ridiculous. I do have a bone to pick with Ron Rivera, though, downtown. I had the plus seven looking for a push. And he decided not to kick the field goal and make it a one possession game. I don’t know what he was doing. He could have kicked the field goal, given the ball of the Eagles back about two minutes and two timeouts, I believe. And he decides to go for it on fourth and nine. I mean, I don’t know what he’s doing. But the game was over once you didn’t get it. I leave it without a chance if he did get it. Maybe he kicked the field. Right you Scott?

Well, like I said, I don’t even know it came down to that fourth and sixth throw the ball. You know, I’m thinking about managing. You’re managing the field. You’re on the 50 yard line. You’re not really doing you’re not doing much throughout the whole entire game. You weren’t moving against the Rams defense at all. You really weren’t showing any movement. You got a fourth and sixth three minutes and 50 seconds left and you got a full allotment of time out. Why the hell not Ponce de Pinna back. And then if you stop them, okay, which is what they probably would have been doing throughout the night was stopping them? Yes, yes, de facto amazing.

They’re going to be putting most likely deep in this zone, if they don’t get converted first down, obviously. And you’re going to get the ball back probably right around the same place with what first thing first down around, like the 40 yard line, or maybe the 50 yard line. And you still have time because you got three timeouts if they go three and out, you know, obviously, hindsight is wonderful. But if they go three and out, they’re punting deep in the zone. So Seattle is going to get the ball somewhere in great field position. Now they have a full, you know, a first down to move the ball and have a potential tie neck game up.

You know, kicking the field doing something, you know, at least getting one possession quickly, and then go for an onside kick. But you know, I’m just shaking my head, I gotta be honest with you guys. I’ve seen some of the worst coaching calls, probably ever, this year, ever. I mean, I just don’t get it with these coaching calls, you know, for the Rams, excuse me, the chargers on that Monday night game a few weeks ago, they put four scoring opportunities for that’s 12 points, at least, let’s say they missed one, you know, field goal, but they were in field goal range every time and gave up the ball on fourth downs. Instead of kicking field goals. And they were in positions where they could have made points, they blew a game and that was a crucial game for them to be in the playoff chase that set them back against Kansas City that night.

And you’ve seen Harbach instead of kicking in extra point, you know, the other day tying it up being at home, I guess if you’re on the road, but when you’re home what why not kick the point and go to overtime? Well, you know, maybe he’s thinking that Roger is having the ball with 40 seconds left is too much time, which So Aaron Rodgers 40 seconds is like an eternity the way that guy goes, he can pick you apart and 20 seconds ago, like he did the San Francisco that time he moved on the field, they won the game with like 30 seconds left San Francisco came back to tie it, he drives down the field, they kick a field goal within 2530 seconds. So when it so maybe that was on his mind. But yeah, I’ve just seen a lot of a lot of crazy.

A lot of gambling a lot a lot of gambling coaches this year, there was some wild things out there and it, it just makes my point even stronger, guys, when you’re out there playing these games. There’s so many things behind the scenes. Think about it behind the scenes that you have to come up with. To try to beat these points, friends. Not even guys like myself think about all these crazy possibilities.

I mean, yeah, they’re out there, they’re on our mind. But so many things have come up to blow games recently. And, you know, I just think Seattle should definitely cover that game with a push button. My case I taught my players to go to plus c, which would have made me a win. But unfortunately, it was a loss. Oh, yeah, was a brutal game.

On a more positive note, Scott, we both hit the bronze. We both told you guys hit the bronze. How about that one? Yeah. Tommy, I’m surprised you didn’t mention that.

Well, yeah, it ‘s a good point that Dre you know, there’s variables in this business without a doubt. I mean, I was switching back and forth to those games last night. I see Washington Get up 10. Nothing. I’m saying no, we’ll get Nate nine points here. And look what happened in the end. But listen, it’s part of the business. You gotta have a plan here if you play the same amount on every game. In the end, our goal is to put out more winners and losers here. Let’s talk about the two games but Thursday night, we’re going to focus on the NFL game, and the college bowl game. The first game in the NFL San Fran Tennessee line right now, Sam Franz for four and a half depending on where you shop total 45 minute 44 and a half, Dre you want to start with that one? What’s your take on the Niners and the Titans?

I mean, I saw the spread, just shift I think it was a pic on before and I went to like three and a half arrows four and a half now we’re back down to three and a half.

Um, I don’t like to spread I don’t want to touch the spread. I’m gonna take the over here over 44 I believe. Um, AJ Brown is back to the Titans legend Mitchell’s back for the most likely back for the 40 Niners. I think both offices are going to play well.

The Niners right now are playing out of their minds, they won five or six. Kaito is a machine. And during those six games, that they’ve won five, they’re averaging 20 29.2 points, excuse me, per game. That would be second in the NFL over the whole season. So um, and they’re also deep. They have debo IU, Cato and Elijah Mitchell back there. They’ve got so many weapons around Jimmy D. And then the 40 Niners are also in the bottom half in points allowed. So even though the Titans have been struggling lately, scoring, I think though, I think they’ll give up points to the Titans. But this is what’s interesting to me.

The Titans are getting back AJ Brown. The three weeks AJ Brown has been healthy this season. A week six, seven and eight in which he played the entire game. The Titans scored 3427 and 34 in wins over the Chiefs colts and Bill’s in those games. So he’s obviously a massive X factor on the Titans team. They seem to play their level their opponent, they’ve lost the Jets and the Texans. But then they’ve been as I mentioned, the chiefs the rams are building the coach, they’ve been the coach twice. So um, I think they’ll play up to the level of their opponent here and I think both teams will score a lot of points.

So put you down for the over 44 and a half. Scott, what’s your take on this one nine is Titans.

This is a real nice matchup actually because both of these teams have battling which makes it exciting. Eight and six San Fran in the thick of things. nine and five, Tennessee Titans. There’s some key factors here that turned me on on this game as far as a betting edge. As far as the way we look at things and the numbers we see. Like Dre mentioned San Francisco is playing extremely well on both sides of the ball right now they’re scoring points there finding ways to move the ball move the chains in their favor keeping their opponents off the field on the offensive side. So I look at it this game from many different factors. And based on everything I’m seeing in Tennessee, the problem with Tannahill, he’s had some bad luck this year, as far as interceptions he’s had a balls bounce off other guys.

He’s just finding ways to you know, to make mistakes, not that he’s doing it on purpose, but they’ve been getting some really bad breaks. He’s throwing 14 touchdown passes, 14 interceptions, which is you know, terrible. Jimmy G is steady as can be. I always like Jimmy G, even when he’s a backup in New England. And when he came in for Brady, he always did well, if he’s a good quarterback. He knows how to manage the game. He’s got some really good weapons. Kiddle is playing unbelievable. Before the beginning of the year. He was a bust out almost. He was playing terrible early part of the season. All of a sudden some got into this guy, and he’s becoming a machine. They have other great weapons around it. The defense of salt. I think the way San Fran is playing and they’re playing really well on the road, and I didn’t like the way to Tennessee finished against Pittsburgh. They seem lame in that game. They got off to a fast start and then they were just like, couldn’t do anything right after that.

And the waste San Francisco is right now motivated and moving in the right direction. I think the NSC is a little stronger than the ASC at this point in time.

I like San Francisco in this game, I think they’re going to go in their business like, you might want to play this game on the money line. I know it’s you know, you got to lay about 180 on the money line, but you know what, I’m looking to catch a win.

I think San Francisco is the right side of this game. And if you could get the line anyways, from a money line to minus two, I keep it on the three. I think San Fran is gonna win this game by about seven to 10 points minimum. I just think they’re going to take advantage of force mistakes on Tannehill they’re going to come after him. He’ll probably end up throwing a pic or two.

Jimmy G’s much more steadier seems to manage the game a lot better. And I’m thinking it based on everything I’m looking at this game and to be in the fact that the lineset have made a strong line forgive San Francisco make Tennessee a home dog is kind of in my mind, you know? Is this reasons why they make you know, I could see if the game was a one point dog or you know one and a half but this is strong three and a half. I don’t see four and a half like you said earlier Tommy I’m seeing this game at three and a half everywhere. Three in some places, but I just think that San Francisco is the right side of the game right now as we speak. I think they’re going into this game right and they’ll take advantage of opportunities and get the job alright San Fran minus the points you would sprinkle some on the money line.

Let’s move let’s move to the college bowl game Thursday night. A Florida Gators US versus their rival UCF a central Florida let’s saw what you Trey what what’s your take? I see the gate is six and a half total 55 and a half the gate is of Hana a tough year this year. What do you think’s gonna happen and this one I mean obviously I’m gonna leave more of this Scott Scott’s probably going to be better at this but um, I do like the you know, I like Excuse me I like UCF plus try and get it to seven. As you can see, I’m a FSU fan from the cap right there. But um I don’t like to caters but I’m that’s not a influencing my pick on this game. UCF has won five of their last six gators have lost for their last six. They fired Dan Mullen the new coach Billy Napier is not even going to coach this game. So um, I think I think seven is too much I will try and get the seven just so you can get the touchdown. And I know the Gators are also missing their number one wide receiver Copeland because he’s going to transfer so I take the nights plus seven here to UCF plus to seven Scott What’s your take on this one?

I just don’t see how the Gators get up for a game like this I gotta be honest with even though it’s a rival you know not even really a rival I just don’t see a six and six gators to complain on it. You know, before Christmas Bowl game. getting so excited about it. I could see UCF getting you know much more excited about the game because it’s a bowl game and they don’t go to the big ones per se like you know the Gators they used to go into that’s my problem motivation on a game like this.

I’m thinking a game like this these teams are just going to kind of throw the ball over to join and I can see this game being a really high scoring game. I just don’t like I don’t like the line on Florida you know whether what the other side as far as the point spread on the game, but I could definitely see both these teams manufacture points just for the fact that it is two teams from the same state. I think they’re gonna want to like kind of stick it at each other.

And I think the 55 point total has an easy shot to go over that because I see a lot of opportunity I think they’ll score a lot of touchdowns I don’t think this is going to be like a field goal type of situation. I think they’ll go for it on fourth and shorts. I could see these teams trying to you know muster touchdowns over field goals all day long. And if I’m right on this and the number I think on the total is right to have a high scoring game. I think this game goes over the 55 points that’s the only way I played because I just don’t see the Gators really getting up and I don’t know if UCF is you know really going to get up for it as well. You know as far I think they’ll get up for a little more than the Gators might get up for it but I see both these teams scoring points that’s what I see.

Yeah, I mean the whole bowl situation has changed over the years I mean going back I remember New Year’s Day was big for the balls New Year’s Eve now you guys every time tick in you know what have a bowl game here scenario by the way. Well, how are ya? But I mean, I’m not going to come across as the expert in college football. But should these two teams even be in a ball game? You know a lot of players like another thing that This building teams to six and six. I mean, it’s it’s it’s all gone commercial that’s a whole nother day. Yeah, but I would think a lot of players they had a tough season six and 60 You gotta want it to go to a ballgame. That’s a whole nother story for another day. But we’re gonna so you think the over and taken the points but UCF because I think it’s just because it’s an in state rivalry kind of. I don’t even really call it a rivalry, but it’s an in state thing. And it’s like bragging rights for maybe getting players to come to one thing versus another. I just think they’re going to showcase they’re going to try to score points on each other make it a more of a high scoring. I don’t see this game being like a low scoring, hard fought battle. I think they’ve got to kind of open it up both teams and just try to score touchdowns and 55 is not a lot of points if you’re opening up and throwing a lot.

I just wanted to throw this out before we get to our best bets. parlays player props, we could find Scott on Instagram at SM sports picks. He puts out NBA daily, he does it across the board. So if you want all his selections, check out his instagram at SM sportsbooks of pics. Excuse me, as far as Dre. Dre does write for online sports So he does have articles out there daily. And you could check him out that way. Alright, let’s get right down to our best bets. Gentlemen here. I could start with Trey here. What do you think we got two games here. If you want to go outside the box, you can what would you say your best bet is? I got I got you with a prop. I also have a prop for the prop of the day. But my best bet is going to be Brian Tannehill. over is passing yards on I think they’re going to be behind. They’re gonna have to keep up with I mentioned before how well this 49 offense is playing Excuse me. And I think 10 is going to keep up with them to score points. I’m AJ Brown is back. So I’ve mentioned that before. Tannehill plays much better with him in the lineup, they’re gonna have to rely on him. Throw a lot. And this Warner’s defense just gave up 348 yards to Joe burrow a couple of weeks ago. So I think Tannehill hits is over. I think he hits a pretty easily. And I think it’s a shootout.

All right. So you don’t want to play a prop is your best bet. Scott, what do you think?

Well, it’s not a big time board obviously on Thursday. So I gotta I’m relying on these 49 are team to get the job done. I think that they’re going to focus on shutting down whatever little running game that the Titans have. They’re going to make obviously Tannahill beat them. I think that they’re going to cause mistakes for 10 out of 10 is going to force a couple of things here and there. And the way he’s been playing this year, up and down, you know, they do have a winning record, even though he’s got 14, touchdown passes, 14 interceptions, he’s had some bad breaks, like I said, with bounces going up in the year of bouncing off plays chess, and the other teams getting, I just think that San Francisco is going into this game with the right game plan. They’re playing extremely well.

They’re they’re improving, I see that you can see the improvement on their offense. And obviously, the defense can show up at times they play well on the road. I think that San Francisco would be again, on a small board like this, this is not a game to go out and you know, bet the ranch or the the house on but it’s a game to play. And I would take San Francisco in this game, I would try to moneyline the plague, or even by the number down to under three. I probably like it it plus minus to San Francisco because I just think right now looking at this game, and speaking to my key contacts out there, this is live money moving on San Francisco, it’s live money, this is not public money, this this number opened up at a minus for a reason. And they’re trying to trap in, you know, a lot of people say why is Tennessee nine and five they’re playing so well. How could they possibly be a home dog? Well, the reason that they’re gonna attract money that way, and obviously shot money is going to go the other way. And that’s what they want.

They want to put a number out that attracts money in both different directions.

So in this particular matchup, based on all the factors around it, and how these teams are performing at this time, and the way like I said Jimmy G is moving that offense and the defense shows up when when they do show up. They are pretty awesome. I think they’re going to take advantage of mistakes in this game and get the job done. That’s my best bet.

So San Francisco for you. For all our viewers that like parlays Dre Why don’t you throw out a parlay it could be any combination. What do you look Not.